Thanks so much Lindsay! According to "the rules" I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself and pass the award on to 10 blogs BUT since I follow lots of complete strangers blogs I'm just going to let you know which ones I like best. Ok? (Well of course it's ok because you don't have a choice, ok?).
- Erin at because I just want to be her when I grow up.
- Jenny at because they have QUADRUPLETS. BOYS. Seriously!
- Kelle at because she is so inspirational.
- Mr. Halpern at because he reminds me why I like my job.
- Kayla Aimee at is another inspirational mama.
- Shawni at because I think their family puts the A in adorable.
- Stephanie at because her blog is so cute.
- Emily at because I have much respect for families that adopt internationally.
- Mary at because I just want to live in her house. If you can't find me, I have moved there!
- Kara at
If nothing else, maybe I will have supplied you with some new reading material.
7 things about me.
- 1. It took me forever to list all of those websites and even still I'm not sure I did it right. Yep, I'm a dork.
- If I had to eat one type of food for the rest of my life, it would be mexican. Muy bueno!
- I have an addiction to stupid reality tv. Big Brother, House Hunters, 19 and Counting, Toddlers and Tiaras. My favorite is the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Team. Yep, I told you I was a dork.
- My dream career is that of a professional scrapbooker. One can dream, right?
- I hate onions and bugs and mean people and sweating and when my boys say "What?"
- I also hate when people embarass themselves. Like in movies, when you know somebody is going to do something stupid like run into a wall or trip. HATE IT! I instantly become embarrassed for them.
- I have to read in before I go to sleep. I love that I have passed this on to Ben and Dylan.