

Birthday Eve.

Happy pre-birthday my little Dylan. It is so hard to believe that you are turning 4! My little guy is growing up.

We celebrated Dylan's birthday with a picnic at Avondale. We also had a party planned at the first Christian Church Playland with friends and family. The people there were DeeDee, Papa, Grandma, Papa Dale, Amy, Shannon, Natey, Sammy, Jessica, Eli, Grant, Adam and Jordan (and his brother, Adam) from RiverTree and their parents. The kids had a great time playing and we had dinner at the playland. Dylan received some wonderful gifts, but his favorites included his booster seat (DeeDee and Papa), his microwave (the Wise's) and a car set (Grandma and Papa).

Dylan being four makes me feel weird. On the one hand, it is nice to have two children that are pretty responsible for themselves. But on the other hand, my youngest is no longer a baby...toddler....or even a young preschooler. I'm so not prepared for this growing up thing.

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